Author Archives: tgross
This “FFA is lame AF” is not true. FFA teaches you a lot about our industry ranging from crops to meat to building things in the shop. If you are in an FFA class, that should mean you like some things that goes with agriculture. FFA is all around the world doing diffrent things at diffrent times. Growing crops in Kansas to me is better than sitting in an office building working on a computer. There after thousands of ways to deal with FFA on this earth. People that think when you kill a pig or a chicken or anything is animal abuse is wrong, we are killing that animal for a reason, so we wont have to starve. A lot of these people who think we are abusing these animals, they are just going to one farmer who is doing the wrong thing and they think that’s how the industry works, they never go to any other farmers to see how they do it, they just go along with the first thing they see. Peta is the #1 group that is try to prove that the way these farmers today are doing things is wrong. Peta says animals have rights and we know that. Animals have rights in some ways, #1 free roaming, #2 eating what they want if its available for them, ect. But there are rights that people have to follow to, like not using to many animals in like a week.
My Holocaust Survivor
Riverside Bistro
Sources Of Carcinogen Damage To The Body
A carcinogen is any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that is an agent directly involved in causing cancer. Several radioactive substances are considered carcinogens, but their carcinogenic activity is attributed to the radiation.This maybe because of the ability to damage the genome or to the disruption of cellular metabolic processes. Carcinogens may increase the chance of cancer by damanging DNA directly in cells.
After carcinogen enters the human body it goes through a process called biotransformation to try and eliminate it.
Some sources that cause this:
*Lifestyle factors.
*Medical Treatments [radiation and medicines including chemotherapy, hormone drugs and etc.]
* Workplace and House exposures.
First Week Of School
The first week of school for me was great! Got to see my fiends and meet my new teacher. Even though we’ve already had 4 test, it’s still pretty fun.
Buying a car as an underaged child
linear art design
My favorite thing to do in science is zooology because you can study the zoo and animals.