My hero didn’t stop breathing but he helped me breath. One day we were riding bikes to John’s house. Suddenly I crashed and John turned around to see if I was ok.
My hero has done lots of good things for me like when he helped me when I crashed, helped me through the hard times, and then we have some fun stuff like going to AIR U, playing football & baseball together.
When me and my hero meet was in baseball season. He has showed me lot of things for baseball & football. He has told me about some of his life and family also.
Every high school, college, MLB, & NFL game him and his grandpa would always betted like $1,$2,3 maybe even 4 or $5 and the next time they see each other they will give each other their money because he always goes to his grandpa like mostly every week.
Everyone should know someone who will help you through the ups and downs.